7 Reasons You Should Get Your Butt to Hilton Head This May


Sounds lovely, doesn’t it? And it can be a reality. Because, in case you missed the announcement, we’re hosting a Love Yourself Healthy Retreat at Hilton Head Health in Hilton Head, South Carolina!

And, if you’re not already sold on the idea, here are seven reasons why you should join us.

1. Being on the beach.

Can one ever get enough of the beach? Nope, and this retreat is happening at H3, where you’ll have access to all kinds of beachy activities. (Like these.)

2. Your fearless leaders: FBG Kristen and FBG Ali.

With more expertise, experience and certifications than you can shake a stick out (because you’d need a lot of sticks), you are in good hands with FBGs Kristen and Ali as your retreat hosts and leaders. With sessions on how to love your workout, your body, your food, and your life — plus a lunch and learn as well as a group workout — you’ll not only get the info you need to make healthy change from an empowered place, but you’ll actually be able to put those lessons into action.

3. Embracing a non-diet approach to your goals.

This retreat is for all women — of all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds. So no matter what you’d like to accomplish, we’ll show you how to learn to love where you are now — and then coach you to make empowered healthy changes on your terms, in a feel-good way that works for you and your life without the dieting and deprivation (because that never works!).

4. Hanging with other like-minded peeps.

Support is always a good thing — and at this retreat, you just might make your new healthy minded BFF.

5. Trying new workout classes and trends.

Kristen and Ali will be teaching a number of sessions, but you’ll also have access to all that H3 has to offer — including loads of different kinds of workout classes and activities. (And, yep, there’s even a spa!)

6. Addressing your full self.

Being truly healthy isn’t just about workouts and food. Although those are essential components, your mindset plays a big role, too. Which is exactly why our retreat curriculum focuses as much on thoughts, emotions, and the other intangible components to health and happiness as it does to the sweat sessions and what’s on your plate. Whole-body wellness, yo.

7. A break from your everyday life to focus on YOU.

And you are worth it.

Ready to learn to love yourself healthy in a beautiful setting with some amazing new peeps? Learn more and sign up to join Kristen and Ali 

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